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Chaitin School

CANCELLED: Reading Group: Designing Data-Intensive Applications — Session #11

Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:00

This session is CANCELLED

Do you want to read Designing Data-Intensive Applications but you never find the time? Us too! Join us in reading session where we choose a chapter, read it, and then discuss it!

Feel free to attend with your copy of Designing Data-Intensive Applications in either virtual or dead trees format and let's read it at the same time.

This session we’ll read Chapter 7: Transactions.


  1. Hellos
  2. Read first part of the chapter for 20 min (silently, each one by themselves)
  3. Discuss what we just read
  4. Read second part of the chapter and discuss

Feel free to come at 6:30pm to order food or just chill at the space! We’ll have snacks as well :)

About the book

Designing Data-Intensive Applications is a recent classic. Written by Martin Kleppmann, it's considered one of the must-read books for software engineers working on the web/cloud/distributed domain.


We'll meet at SPACE4 in Finsbury Park.