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Chaitin School

Open Source Club — Session #18

Mon, 27 Mar 2023 18:00

Do you want to work on open source but never find the time? Us too!

Join us in an open source hack night. Bring your own projects or choose one of these that we will be working on:

  • polis, an application for large scale open ended feedback, built with JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Clojure. Used in Taiwan (g0v.tw / vTaiwan), by the UK government, by city councils in England, et al.
  • consul, a participatory democracy framework, built with Ruby and Rails, developed for the Madrid City government.
  • decidim, a participatory democracy framework, written in Ruby on Rails, originally developed for the Barcelona City government.
  • Citizen OS, an e-decisionmaking platform for communities, written in Node.js, TypeScript, Angular.
  • wikiciv, a wiki for building civilization from scratch, built with MediaWiki.

The plan for this event: Improve the code for one of these applications. Fix a bug or implement a small feature.

Event notes

  1. Come with your laptop, we provide AC electricity and WiFi.
  2. We have food, usually pizza.
  3. This event is for people who feel comfortable working/coding on their own.
  4. There are no lectures or presentations, just coding, questions and conversations about coding, building, making.
  5. We figure things out as we go, we don't have all the answers :)


We meet at Newspeak House in Shoreditch.

Address: 133 Bethnal Green Rd, London E2 7DG