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Chaitin School

Hack Night: Polis + Open Source — Session #2

Tue, 17 May 2022 18:00

Our first hack night a couple of weeks ago was more popular than expected so we thought it might be fun to do another one! But this time including other open source projects as well.

So, for this evening we focus on these projects:

  • polis, an application for large scale open ended feedback, built with JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, Clojure.
  • decidim, a participatory democracy framework, built with Ruby and Rails.
  • healthsites, a framework for capturing, publishing and sharing critical health and sanitation related data. It's built with Python and Django.

The plan for this event:

Improve the code for one of these applications. Fix a bug or implement a small feature.

Feel free to come with your own open source project as well. This is a selection we thought might be interesting.

Event notes

  1. Scan through the above projects and their issues and figure out what to work on more specifically. Alternatively, this might become an event where we explore open source rather than hacking on it :D
  2. This event is for people who feel comfortable coding on their own.
  3. We are not familiar with these projects! We’ll be figuring it out as we go along with you.
  4. We'll provide snacks and drinks!
  5. Attendees are expected to come with their own laptops. We’ll provide AC electricity.

Join online

If you’re interested in contributing but not able to attend, we will also be online in our Discord group. Hope to see some people there as well!

Notes for Polis

  • We have started fleshing out some ideas in the previous event and I think it'd be nice to continue on those as well!
  • Polis repository: github.com/compdemocracy/polis.
  • Polis issues: github.com/compdemocracy/polis/issues. It would be a good idea to scan through these before coming to the event to see if you can find something more specific to work on.
  • Polis is built with JavaScript / React.js / Node.js / Clojure / Docker

For more details and stuff to work on check our previous list.


We’ll meet at Newspeak House in Shoreditch.